27 products
27 products
Our unrivalled selection of Linwoods nutritiously dense, healthy foods are designed to enhance your overall health and wellbeing. Each product (below) has been made from the finest organic quality ingredients and sustainable production methods.
Yes we think so! Linwoods most popular products are their extensive range of healthy Superfoods, which are sold throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, the US, and the Republic of Ireland. Many of these products contain a rich source of milled organic Flaxseed, as it is a convenient, easy and quick way to gain a wide range of Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamins and Minerals within your diet.
Linwoods present their organic Flaxseed in a wide variety of different flavoured alternatives. Each flaxseed product is milled by Linwoods, which helps preserve their nutrient profile and make them easier for your body to absorb.
Linwoods Health Foods is a family owned company that manufactures a range of superfoods and premium bakery & dairy products. Over the years, Linwoods has expanded to include the development of innovative new products to meet their consumers' changing needs. In addition to their aforementioned products, Linwoods also offer fresh milk products to their wide consumer base. Built in 2004, the Linwoods dairy plant has the capacity to pasteurise, process and pack up to 22,000 litres of milk per hour.
Based in County Armagh, Northern Ireland and established in 1965, Linwoods only select the finest raw ingredients from the best suppliers and growers around to ensure the highest quality and standards.