Herbal Supplements

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    188 products

    Herbal Supplements

    What is considered a herbal supplement?

    Herbal supplements (botanical medicinals) are a type of non-pharmaceutical, dietary supplement made from a combination of Herbs and plants that include a high level of active ingredients. They have been used for thousands of years but have recently re-emerged as a popular alternative medicine to treat varying medical conditions. 

    What are 3 popular herbal supplements?

    There are many popular supplements available on the herbal market, however if we had to choose just three, based on sales we would say these include;

    1. Ginger.
    2. Echinacea.
    3. Ginkgo Biloba.

    So whether you try echinacea to prevent a Cold or take ginkgo to improve MemoryNatures Healthbox have you covered with a wide range of herbal remedies (below) that are made from the Seeds, bark, leaves, flowers and stems of a wide range of plants.

    What is the most powerful antiviral herb?

    GarlicBasilOreganoSageRosemaryPeppermint and Fennel are all known for their impressive and rather powerful antiviral qualities.

    Is vitamin C considered an herbal supplement?

    Not really, but that's not to say you can't obtain a substantial amount of Vitamin C from a herbal supplement. Take Thyme for example, which when freshly served offers 3 times more vitamin C (gram for gram) than an Orange!

    What are herbal supplements used for?

    Our customers use herbal supplements for many health conditions, such as a prevention for sickness, to relieve a high temperature, or to simply heal wounds. Herbal supplements may also be used as a natural stimulant, to relieve pain, or treat the symptoms of Constipation.

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