Biodegradable 2-Ply Toilet Paper
Greencane 100% Biodegradable Toilet Paper is made from a mix of recycled bamboo fibre (bagasse; a byproduct of the sugar refining process) and sugarcane. Both bamboo and sugarcane are a type of grass, which are fast growing in tropical regions and farm harvested, usually on an annual basis.
- 4 Pack.
- GMO free.
- Biodegradable.
- Free from inks & fragrances.
- ISO14001 Environmentally Certified.
- Contains 30% certified wood pulp for strength & softness.
Also available:
Greencane Paper 2 Ply Facial Tissues 90 Sheets, Greencane 100% Biodegradable Kitchen Towels 2 Pack and Greencane Paper 2-Ply Napkins - Pack of 100.
Greencane 100% Biodegradable Toilet Paper is produced in a factory which is quality accredited with the environmental international standard ISO14001. Having this environmental certification ensures you, the consumer, that the correct and safe bleaching & environmental manufacturing have been carried out on this product.
How sustainable are the raw materials in Greencane Toilet Paper?
Both sugarcane and bamboo are a type of grass, and the farming of these fast-growing raw materials have an extremely low environmental impact compared with the harvesting destruction of soft wood forests.
What type of bleaching is used?
The plant based composition of sugarcane and bamboo fibres, means that Greencane 100% Biodegradable Toilet Paper require far less bleaching than 100% timber based paper (all white paper is bleached at some stage in its production process).
The key issue with the beaching method is that it does not use chlorine based bleaching which has been linked with dioxins and furan in waterways.
I've heard Greencane Toilet Paper are presented in sustainable packaging, is this true?
Yes! Greencane Paper are strongly committed to the removal of all plastic from their packaging. With this in mind, Greencane 100% Biodegradable Toilet Paper are presented in 100% biodegradable packaging that is made from a plant based cellophane.
Directions of Use
Use Greencane 100% Biodegradable Toilet Paper as and when required.
Made from bamboo and sugarcane which has an extremely low environmental impact.