Along with Lavender, Roman Chamomile can be described as a panacea in aromatherapy and is one of the most useful and popular of all essentail oils. Being one of the gentler oils, it is safe for use on all the family, except during early pregnancy.
Try blending 4 drops of Chamomile and 4 drops of Lavender in 2 teaspoonfuls of Sunflower oil and adding to a cool bath for dry, sensitive skin, to encourage relaxation or ease general aches & pains.
Incorporate a steam facial into your weekly skincare routine. After cleansing, add 2 drops of Chamomile and 1 drop of Geranium to a bowl of just-boiled water, drape a towel across your head and shoulders, lean over the bowl and allow the vapours to penetrate your skin. Pat your face dry and apply a moisturiser.