Weleda Combudoron Ointment 25g has been prepared from the fresh aerial parts of the dwarf stinging nettle, for the relief of minor burns and scalds where the skin is unbroken. Formulated to the homeopathic principle of 'like curing like', Combudoron Ointment contains small doses of the substance which would cause the very symptoms (thus the stinging nettle is used to treat the problems it causes).
- 25g.
- Made with urtica.
- For external use only.
- Provides relief from stinging, minor burns & scalds.
- Counteracts inflammation.
- Suitable for vegetarians.
For the relief of insect bites, try Weleda Combudoron Spray here.
Directions of Use
Adults and children: Apply Weleda Combudoron Ointment to the affected area direct, or on a dry dressing.
100g contains ethanolic extract of: Urtica urens, Herba (1=2) 9.5ml; Arnica montana, Planta tota recens (1=2) 0.5ml in a base containing Lanolin, Beeswax, Wool alcohols, Olive oil and Sunflower Seed Oil.