Pregnancy & Fertility
54 products
54 products
Natures Healthbox offer a wide range of natural remedies and Supplements that have been specifically formulated to support pregnancy & fertility. In addition to these products, those couples looking to have a baby may wish to make changes to their lifestyles to make it easier to conceive. Weight loss is thought to increase fertility, as is hydration, so maintaining a regular consumption of water can be beneficial. Stress is also thought to upset hormonal balance, and therefore disrupt fertilization, so maintaining a stress-free environment should be considered too.
Pregnancy (also known as gestation or gravidity) is determined when the presence of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is found in a woman's urine. When a female misses their period it could be that they have a fetus or embryo developing in its first stages within the uterus, however a pregnancy test or visit to a medical practitioner will confirm this. Fertility is the ability to reproduce, and becoming pregnant is usually only possible during the 5-6 days of a woman's 'fertile window'.
If a woman has a regular cycle, there is a much better chance that they will become pregnant. Herbs can be an alternative choice to consider because they assist the Body in the promotion of ovulation and the regulation of hormones. For example, Maca promotes hormonal balance, while Parsley has been used to stimulate blood flow in uterus to bring on menstruation. Yarrow also stimulates the uterus to bring on menstruation, and Dandelion can aid the body in the removal of harmful toxins.