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376 products
Natures Healthbox offer a range of specially formulated, non-drug remedies from some of the biggest names in the natural healthcare market. We also offer an entire range of high-quality A. Vogel Stress relieving products too!
Stress is the way the Body responds to any kind of threat or demanding circumstance, through tension or emotional strain. Stress usually affects the heart rhythm (in which heart beats become faster), Blood Pressure (which rises), and breath (where the inhalation & exhalation of air from the lungs quickens). Despite the many stressful demands and frustrations of modern life, stress can also prove very beneficial to us, as our senses become sharper and our focus further enhanced - making it particularly useful in a state of emergency.
When stress becomes a constant fixture in our lives, there is the risk that it can lead to further complications. High levels of stress can suppress the Immune System, raise blood pressure, and increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Some simple techniques to reduce stress could include lighting candles, laughing, reducing your overall intake of caffeine, and exercise, which is known to improve stress levels. Supplements may also encourage a reduction in both stress and Anxiety levels.