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31 products
Cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos) are a member of the heather family, which are related to bilberries and blueberries. These are small, round, red fruits grow on evergreen shrubs within bogs or wetlands.
Cranberries are are high in Vitamin C, and have antioxidant & antibacterial effects in the body. In fact research indicates that cranberries are such an excellent source of antioxidants, that they may protect against cancer, improve immune function, and reduce Blood Pressure.
It is widely considered that cranberry pills and cranberry tablets with dosages of up to 1,500mg per day are safe for individuals to take, each & every day.
They might do! Cranberry is also believed to act as a diuretic, so it is quite likely that cranberry pills will make you urinate more frequently.
Here at Natures Healthbox we won't go as far as to tell you what the 'best' cranberry supplement is, because after all what may work well for one individual may not for another. However, which ever supplement you decide to purchase from us today, you can be sure that they are tried, tested and produced by some of the biggest brands within the natural and organic market.