CBD Vape

33 products

    33 products

    CBD Vape Oils for Vaporizers, Vape Pens & e-Cigarettes.

    At Natures Healthbox we have a fine selection of CBD Vape products from some of the biggest brand names on the CBD market, which include the ever popular Love CBD E-Liquid Vape

    What is CBD Vape Oil?

    CBD Vape Oil is the concentrated form of Cannabidiol in a liquid form, which is originally extracted from the natural hemp plantUnlike 'medical marijuana', which is usually made from plants with high traces of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD Vape Oil has an abundance of active CBD components but very low psychoactive elements (0.2%).

    Are CBD Vape Oil & CBD Hemp Oil the same thing?

    No! CBD Hemp Oils are typically made for consumption or reserved for oral tinctures and cannot be vaped. CBD Vape Oil (also known as CBD e-liquid) is specifiically designed to be vaped.

    How do I 'vape' CBD Vape Oil?

    CBD Vape Oil is heated and inhaled through a vaporizer, vape pen or e-Cigarette. CBD Vape Oils are usually sold in bottles (like those below) so as to refill your vape apparatus, as and when required.

    Can I get 'high' from CBD Vape Oil?

    No! CBD Vape Oil is not addictive and will not get you high. The reasoning behind this is the maximum allowance of THC in the UK being 0.2%, which is the part that gets you high, meaning it would always be too low to have any intoxicating effect.

    How long do CBD Vape Oils usually last?

    This depends on which CBD Vape Oil product you choose to use and the frequency of your consumption, however on average, each bottle tends to be anywhere between 25mg-300mg. Most CBD Vape Oils may last up to fourteen days.

    Why should I use CBD e-liquid over CBD oil?

    The most common reason is due to how quickly it will take effect. While oils can take 1-2 hours to take effect, making it hard to time, vaping works incredibly quickly, with many people noticing effects within bare minutes. If you need it more quickly in your system then this is the much more logical option to consider. Another factor is around the absorption rate. While vaping tends to keep bioavailibility of the CBD very high, consuming via an oil is largely wasted. This is why CBD brands highlight the requirement to it sublingually, holding it under the tongue for a couple of minutes, to help absorption, before swallowing the rest. This is also why they include a carrier oil to help absorption rate further.

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