Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight 2015

Fairtrade Fortnight


Celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 -  February 23rd - 8th March

This yearly campaign to raise awareness of the needs of producers in developing countries has been held since 1995 and although we have moved forward significantly there is still much more work to be done in educating the public and to ensure all trading is fair. The focus this year is on cocoa, sugar and tea – only 1.2% Cocoa and less than 10% Tea is traded under Fairtrade terms.

Choose products that change lives – the power is in your hands- supporting Fairtrade can make a significant difference to lives of small scale Farmers and the workforce making their income more security and less vulnerable to poverty.

Choosing Fairtrade sugar has never been more important for many thousands of sugar cane producers as their livelihoods are under threat. Next time you are baking a cake or sweetening your drinks be sure to choose Fairtrade sugar.

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages but many of the smallholder farmers fail to earn a reliable living from coffee.

Tea has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. Much is produced on large plantations or estates but it is also grown on smaller plots of land by small holder farmers. Fairtrade standards for tea act as a safety net against the unpredictable market ensuring growers get a price that covers their production costs

Chocolate is one of the World’s favourite foods but growing cocoa is a hard task. 90% of the world’s cocoa is grown on small family farms but the numbers are falling because their income fails to keep up with rising production costs and household expenses.

Natures Healthbox are, therefore asking all their customers to look for the Fairtrade Mark and allow these smaller farmers to develop their business and work their way out of poverty.

We sell a wonderful range of Fairtrade products including: Lucy Bee, Cafedirect, Divine Chocolate, The Raw Chocolate Company, Fair Squared, Qi Tea.