The grass is cultivated for distillation in many parts of the world, the most important producers being Haiti and Java. The Indian production to date is not of a very good quality, and goes mostly into the local soap and perfume industry.
Vetiver is a heavy, viscous oil with a rich undertone of "precious wood notes". Absolute Aromas has selected this Haitian oil for its excellent quality. Most Javan producers burn off the grass before digging up the roots, and this often gives a smoky note to the oil, whereas the Haitian producers cut the grass and use it for feeding cattle or for grass mats, so the oil has a much cleaner aroma.
Vetiver is extremely viscous. A large nozzle in the bottle helps to some extent, but it may require gentle warming of the bottle in the hands or warm water, (and a lot of patience), to pour a few drops out. Blend 1 drop each of Vetiver, Jasmine and Sandalwood in 10ml of Peach Kernel oil for a most luxurious massage oil.
To a teaspoon of Sweet Almond oil add 1 drop each of Vetiver, Patchouli and Lavender. Swish this into a very warm bath to help shrug off aches and pains on cold winter nights.