Raw Foods

50 products

    50 products

    What are Raw foods?

    Raw foods is Food that has not been heated above 48 degrees centigrade. A raw food diet (also known as “raw foodism") has been around since the 1800s and is made up of fresh, whole, unrefined, living, plant based foods, which are consumed in their natural state without cooking or steaming. 

    Foods that are safe to eat raw are fruits, vegetables and Nuts & Seeds, however in today's modern world, there are a whole array of raw foods outside of these aformentioned food groups. Making sure to consume at least some fruits & raw vegetables every day is important for just about everyone.

    At Natures Healthbox we hope that our range of products will help you with this choice of lifestyle.

    What are the benefits of eating Raw foods?

    Those individuals who follow a raw food diet believe that consuming mostly or all unprocessed and uncooked foods in a raw state ensures that you get all the Nutrients without the dangerous additives. The benefits of a raw food diet are believed to include improved DigestionEnergy & Vitality, Heart Health, and an improvement to the condition of your Skin.

    Why do some people believe that Raw food is healthier than cooked food?

    Supporters of the raw food diet believe that cooking destroys the natural enzymes in foods, which are vital to human health and digestion. It is important to remember however that many of the core beliefs behind the raw food diet are not presently backed by science.

    What Raw food brands can I purchase at Natures Healthbox?

    Our raw food range includes brands such as Biona, Raw Health, Primrose's Kitchen, Meridian, Pip & Nut, Just Natural Organic, Carley's, Viridian, Whole Earth, The Raw Chocolate Company, and Lucy Bee.

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