
41 products

    41 products


    The Natures Healthbox selection of natural & organic detox products enhance your body's natural detoxification system. Shop from a large selection and best deals on natures finest laxatives, diuretics, Vitamins, Minerals and cleansing foods.

    What detox really means?

    A detox is the process an individual takes to rid their Body of harmful toxins. It helps to cleanse the kidneys and colon too (the vital organs that are heavily involved in the detoxification of toxins & chemicals). As part of its daily functions, a healthy body will continuously work to remove toxins naturally; however there is absolutely no harm in enhancing this process, with many choosing to do so after over indulging at Christmas.

    How long should you detox?

    Most health experts suggest that those looking to do a detox, should do so for no longer than two days. This could be achieved during a 'recovery week' when very little physical exercise is undertaken.

    Does detoxing reduce weight?

    A detox may help you lose weight but it does not guarantee permanent weight loss.

    What can I drink to detox my liver?

    Antioxidant-rich Milk Thistle is a well-known liver cleansing supplement that may help to reduce liver inflammation.

    Is Acne a sign of detox?

    It could be! As you continue on down your detox path to a healthier Food and Skincare routine, a state of 'purging' will likely cause a breakout of Acne.

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