Ohso Chocolate
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Ohso offers a range of luxury Belgian Chocolate that deliver a daily dose of ‘good bacteria’ (commonly known as Probiotics) to help maintain good Digestion & Gut Health and provide potent Immune Support. Ohso cleverly microencapsulate over a billion live Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium bacteria into each and every Ohso chocolate bar which has been proven, using independent research, to be three times more effective at delivering the bacteria to your gut than dairy alternatives.
Each pack of Ohso chocolate has;
Live cultures refer to living organisms, which include bacteria often referred to as ‘good bacteria'. These live cultures can help support the population and balance of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, supporting healthy gut function. Specific probiotic cultures can help improve symptoms of digestive distress such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea and Constipation. They could potentially play an even more important role in health when our gut bacteria have become ‘unbalanced’ (due to an infection or food poisoning for example), otherwise known as dysbiosis.
Not only do Ohso chocolate bars have over a billion live cultures but are also available as a sugar free alternative, sweetened with a natural, plant-based derivative - making them ideal for those with even the most sweetest of teeth. Ohso never compromise on taste too, so you’ll love their combinations of dark Belgian Cocoa with the finest natural frutiy flavours around.
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